The Annual, worldwide Eucharistic celebration of World Mission Sunday, is a day set aside to reflect on your baptismal call to witness and respond to Mission. On October 24th 2021, World Mission Sunday will celebrate the Societies 110th Anniversary Year-Long Celebration!! Here is a letter from Archbishop Perez, inviting you to join us for this special occasion.
Resources for Parishes
Bulletin Announcements: Please save room and plan to place messages in your bulletin each October weekend and for the weekend of World Mission Sunday:
For 110 Years, Philadelphia has helped through prayer and support . . . |
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IN LATIN AMERICA . . . where catechists travel to remote areas to bring the Good News of God’s love to families. In October and into next year, will you CONTINUE YOUR HELP? PRAY a Hail Mary or Rosary Daily for Missionaries. LEARN MORE to tell others. Connect with us on social media-Facebook, Instagram and Twitter@missionsphilly or at phillymissions.org. HELP with a donation on World Mission Sunday, October 24th. |
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IN AFRICA . . . where those who are sick are provided loving care at 6,800 Catholic hospitals and clinics. Your World Mission Sunday prayers and support on helps Missionaries like Father Joachim provide treated mosquito netting to protect moms-to-be from malaria in Ghana. PRAY a Hail Mary or Rosary Daily for Missionaries. LEARN MORE to tell others. Connect with us on social media-Facebook, Instagram and Twitter@missionsphilly or at phillymissions.org |
More examples can be found here: 2021 Parish Bulletin Announcements through World Mission Sunday (Printable PDF) |
Universal Prayers: Please recite these for the weekend of World Mission Sunday.
Introduction/Priest Celebrant: My brothers and sisters: The Lord does great things for us and we are filled with joy. Let us ask the Lord now to hear our many prayers. Intentions/Deacon/Lector: For Christians all throughout the world, that they may be renewed in their Missionary vocation to bear witness to all that Christ Jesus makes known to us. Let us pray to the Lord. R † Lord hear our prayer. For ourselves, that we will have eyes to see the way to follow Jesus in all things, and for the sick, the suffering and all those who have died, that they may rejoice with all the angels and saints in glory. Let us pray to the Lord. R † Lord hear our prayer. Concluding Prayer Priest Celebrant : Almighty Father,in your goodness we ask you to hear and answer these and all our prayers through Christ our Lord. All: Amen. |
More examples can be found here: 2021 Parish Universal Prayers through World Mission Sunday |
Homily Helps:
Reflections on the readings for the Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 24, 2021: Jer 31: 7-9; PS 126: 1-2, 2-3, 4-5, 6; Heb 5: 1-6, Mt 10: 46-52 |
Committed to take courage, get up and share the words and work of the Lord with everyone On this World Mission Sunday, we recall with gratitude all those men and women who by their testimony of life help us to renew our baptismal commitment to be generous and joyful apostles of the Gospel. Let us remember especially all those who purposefully set out, leaving home and family behind, to bring the Gospel to all those places and people thirsty for its saving message. For those of us who remain at home, we can contribute to our Father’s plan through prayer and the example we offer in our own community. In today’s readings, we see God’s desire to console and guide His people, as we hear: “I will gather them from the ends of the world, with the blind and the lame in their midst. They departed in tears, but I will console them and guide them.” Jr 31: 8 And then, God asking them, and each one of us, to take courage to grasp what Jesus is calling us to do and respond. In the Gospel, we hear, “Take courage; get up, Jesus is calling you.” What a beautiful expression, something that should be part of our vocabulary with everyone in the Church! “Take courage, get up, Jesus is calling you.” It would have been very easy for Jesus to come to meet Bartimaeus exactly where he was begging. But Jesus loved him too much and understands the human heart too well to do that. Instead he drew near, he got close, but then he had Bartimaeus get up to come to him, to exercise Bartimaeus’ freedom, to give him greater participation in the miracle Jesus was about to accomplish. It takes courage to get up and leave our comfort zone to respond to the Lord. “The Lord has done great things for us; we are filled with joy.” Psalm 126: 1,3 |
More examples can be found here: 2021 Parish Homily Helpers through World Mission Sunday |
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Matthew McCloskey (2020 Winner) | Meghan Cokeley (2021 Winner) |