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As we begin to unwind and enjoy the lazy days of summer . . . taking time off from school and work, enjoying long walks in beautiful weather or having days with a less rigorous schedule, let us be mindful that others are not so lucky.  Missionaries working with the Pontifical Mission Societies [TPMS], helping to spread the good news of Jesus and living the Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy, offering prayer for those “living on the outermost fringes of society,“ in the words of Pope Francis, by comforting the sorrowful, by feeding the poor, giving shelter to the homeless and caring for the sick and elderly.  Missionaries will continue to serve all those who are not taking a vacation this summer . . . and they need your help.

We are truly blessed here in the United States, how lucky are we to have an unending supply of clean water that we are able to drink, bath and frolic and swim in. TPMS serves 1,111 diocese, in areas such as Africa, Asia, the Pacific Islands, parts of Europe and the remote regions of South America, where this is not the case.


Like for the people in the Diocese of Dara Kiunga in Papua New Guinea, where the need for clean drinking water is great.  Without fresh water to drink they turn to contaminated river water, which causes intestinal diseases or in many instances death.  Every 2 minutes a child dies in the world from a water related disease. 

And it is mostly the women and children’s task to fetch the water.  Using bicycles, if they are lucky, or more likely carrying the water on their back, they share and consume the filthy water.   Since it is year-round work, it also limits the time that children have to attend school.

Bishop Joseph Durero from this Dara Kiunga writes, “Water is the gift of life.  Wells have recently been built, but it is not enough water for thousands of people living here.”  Water projects can be started with $20 for a hand pump – would you give monthly to start to help?

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Throughout the year, the Pontifical Mission Societies support the proclamation of the Gospel, the building of the Church, and the work and witness of mission priests, religious Sisters and Brothers, and lay pastoral leaders. These missionaries provide food, education, and medical care to the most vulnerable communities in the Pope’s missions. Through their work, they reveal the compassionate heart of Jesus. Help support their efforts ~ and be right there with them, offering hope.

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