“The poor of the Missions of the world need the comfortable to supply roofs for their churches, medicine for their hospitals, and clothes for their backs, but the comfortable need the poor in order that they may have the blessing of God in their hearts, the charity of Christ in their souls, and the intercession of the poor who are friends of God.” Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen.

All Catholics, through their Baptism, have a responsibility to Share the good news of Jesus Christ through their support of the Pontifical Mission Societies. The Pontifical Mission Societies are at the service of the Roman Pontiff.
By virtue of his ministry, the Pope knows and understands more than anyone else the pressing needs of the church around the world. The Pope reminds us of our worldwide Missionary responsibilities and invites us to participate with him. The Societies ask for prayer, sacrifice and financial support of the Church’s works in the Mission lands around the world. They provide monetary help for the pastoral and evangelizing programs of the church. This includes money for education, health care, social services, transportation, emergency relief and especially ministry to children.
Your donation to us is vital to the Missions. Funds that are donated to the Pontifical Mission Societies can be more far reaching and therefore more helpful than those given to one organization in one locale. It is through your generosity that the Pontifical Mission Societies allows Missionaries serving in the 1,111 Dioceses, at the present time, to be able to reach out to those in desperate need, bring the message of Christ. Your donation brings hope. Your donation helps promote justice and by doing so more fulfilling living out the Gospel in our lives. Your donation brings a future to all those living day to day wondering what will happen next. Your donation brings thankfulness; from the Missionaries who take action beyond themselves and help others, from those most in need, as they face their daily challenges, and from the Pontifical Mission Societies …thankfulness that we, through your generosity are able to continue the work of Jesus.
Please continue to pray for the Church’s Missionary work. Sharing your gifts along with your prayers allows you to partner with Pope Francis and the Pontifical Mission Societies in bringing the Gospel to those in need. “By loving and helping the poor, we love and serve Christ.” Pope Francis