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On OCTOBER 20th, the Archdiocesan Celebration of World Mission Sunday took place.  It began with  the praying of the World Mission Rosary, with the display of our brand new World Mission Rosary Banners, that were inspired by the Artwork winners of the Mission Banner Contest.


At 11:00am, Archbishop Chaput celebrated the World Mission Mass. With the help of the Office for Pastoral Care of Migrants and Refugees and their board members, the Mass was filled with prayers and music reminding us of the many Mission areas worldwide. 

The winners of the Missionary Childhood Association National Christmas Artwork Contest were also recognized at the Mass, and were presented with their Awards by Archbishop Chaput.

Mass was followed by and International Food Reception Guests were able to taste foods from around the world. 


Our final celebration during the Extraordinary Year of Mission, was the Fifth Annual World Mission Dinner.  For more on the dinner, visit HERE.


Below is the Celebration of World Mission Sunday at St. Peter’s Basilica at the Vatican: